Prof. Dr. med.
Christoph Renner
Onkozentrum Zürich
Why Attend?
The SHOOT courses are exclusive on-site events for young oncologists, focusing on topics essential for the specialist exam (Facharztprüfung). These sessions replace lengthy study materials with concise learning, real-case discussions led by experts, and valuable networking opportunities.
Event language: English. Cost of registration 25 CHF
*Enjoy the benefit of a full refund that applies to future courses.
15:00 15:15 | Coffee and registration |
15:15 15:15 | Welcome |
15:15 16:15 | Session I DLBCLProf. Dr. med. Felicitas Hitz |
16:15 17:15 | Session II Mantle Cell LymphomaProf. Dr. med. Christoph Renner |
17:15 17:45 | Apéro |
17:45 18:45 | Session III Multiple MyelomaPD Dr. med. Sabine Gerull |
Onkozentrum Zürich
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Kantonsspital Aarau
Spital Thun